There’s a clever and satirical comedy series on Peacock that cleverly parodies the true crime genre and society’s current fascination with it. In this show, a desperate couple discovers a way to profit from true crime by involving a real-life serial killer.
Starring Kaley Cuoco, Chris Messina, and Tom Bateman, the series has garnered mixed reviews thus far.
The creator and writer of the show is Craig Rosenberg, a name you might recognize from another hugely successful dark TV satire, The Boys. While the story is fictional, there has been speculation about the serial killer character who plays a crucial role in the show.
Referred to as the Westside Ripper, this killer terrorizes women in Los Angeles, portrayed by Tom Bateman, known for his roles in Death on the Nile and Thirteen Lives.
While the Westside Ripper is a fictional character, he may be inspired by various real-life serial killers. Given the setting of the show in LA, an area known for its history of serial killers, it’s possible that the character draws influences from notorious individuals like The Skid Row Slasher, The Scorecard Killer, The Hillside Strangler, The Night Stalker, and The Grim Sleeper.