Pitt’s India Act 1784 Features, Summary, Important Points

Pitt’s India Act 1784 Features, Summary, Important Points : In Previous post we discussed about the Regulating Act Of 1773. To correct the errors and make some changes in the regulating act of 1773 this act was introduced in 1784. We keep posting such informative post daily , please visit us for current affairs and such topics.

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Pitt’s India Act ( 1784) :-

Pitt’s India Act was introduced by British PM William Pitt in British parliament in 1784. The purpose of the act was to make some changes to the Regulating Act of 1773.

Features Highlights Of Pitt’s Act Of 1784 :-

1. It divides the political and commercial workings of company.
2. Board Of Control was created to manage political issues.
3. Commercial affairs were to be managed by Court Of Directors.
4. All operations on civil and millitary to be supervised by BOC ( Bord of control).
5. Revenues were also to be supervised by BOC ( Bord of control).

About William Pitt :-

William Pitt was youngest British prime minister, he became the prime minister of Britain in 1783 at the age of 24. He was born on 28th May 1759 in Bromley Uk and died on 23rd jan 1806 in London. He lest the office in 1801 but he served as prime minister again from 1804 till his death.He served as prime minister till 1806.

You may like our Timeline post related to constitutional framework , You can check all important dates in single pots – Timelines in Constitutional Framework.

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This is all about the pitt’s act of 1784, in next post we will discuss about the Charter Act of 1833 and 1854.

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