What Is Mission Shakti – Importance, All Details Summary

What Is Mission Shakti : Narenda Modi The PM of India addressed the nation to declare the success of Mission Shakti. The first question that comes in mind of many after this is , what is mission shakti,What is importance of mission shakti, how it will help in country security.

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Here we are going to tell you all the information and details with short summary to make your confusion clear about the Mission Shakti.

What Is Mission Shakti

What Is Mission Shakti ?

Mission shakti is Anti-satellite Missile test performed by ISRO on wednesday 27th March 2019. India is only 4th country in the world to have this power after USA,Russia and China. The Mission shakti was completed within 3 Minutes.

Importance/Uses Of  ASAT (Mission Shakti) ?

There are so many advantages and benefits of Mission Shakti, If we try to understand in simple words, If any one attacks India, India will shoot their satellite and they will have no connection,Communication,GPS,Control Center or to anything that can help in war and that can let them win, Ultimately India is new space super power after china,USA And Russia.

We can now monitor any one who is using spy satellite and destroy their satellite , this is the major landmark in field of space and security For India.

Some Extra Facts :-
  • USA Tested ASAT technology in 1958, Russia in 1964 and china in 2007
  • India Tested ASAT technology on 27th March 2019
  • ASAT Full form – Anti Satellite Weapon
  • In 2015, Russia tested its PL-19 Nudol missile

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