Who Is The Author Of The Book ‘Caste, Class And Power? – Summary

André Béteille Is the Author of the Book Caste, Class, and Power;

In his seminal work, “Caste, Class, and Power,” the renowned sociologist André Béteille offers a profound exploration of the intricate social fabric of India, shedding light on the transformation of a deeply ingrained caste-based system that prevailed until the late nineteenth century. Through extensive fieldwork conducted in a South Indian village, Béteille provides a compelling account of the evolving dynamics of caste, class, and power, offering fresh perspectives on the study of these crucial themes.

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The Historical Context

To fully appreciate Béteille’s insights, it is essential to understand the historical context of caste in India. For centuries, Indian society was organized into a rigid hierarchical structure based on caste distinctions. At the top of this hierarchy were the Brahmins, followed by the middle-level non-Brahmins, and at the lowest rung, the Adi-Dravidas, who often faced severe social and economic marginalization.

The Transformation of Caste

Béteille’s work traces the gradual transformation of this caste-based social system. He observes that the late nineteenth century marked a significant turning point when India began its journey towards social and political reform. The influence of British colonialism played a pivotal role in challenging the traditional caste system, as colonial rulers introduced administrative changes that sought to dismantle caste-based privileges.

Field Studies in a South Indian Village

To understand the nuances of this transformation, Béteille conducted extensive field studies in a South Indian village. His meticulous research allowed him to observe the evolving social dynamics at the grassroots level. By immersing himself in the lives of the villagers, Béteille gained firsthand insights into the changing roles of caste and class in their daily existence.

Studying Caste and Class

Béteille’s approach to studying caste and class is multidimensional. He recognizes that these social constructs are interlinked and cannot be examined in isolation. Instead, he explores the intricate ways in which caste and class intersect and influence each other. Béteille’s work challenges the notion that caste and class are entirely separate entities, highlighting their complex interplay in shaping social hierarchies and power structures.

The Role of Education

One of the key factors contributing to the transformation of the caste system, as observed by Béteille, is the role of education. As education became more accessible, individuals from lower castes gained opportunities to improve their social and economic status. Education acted as a catalyst for social mobility, gradually eroding the rigid boundaries of the traditional caste system.

The Emergence of New Elites

Béteille also discusses the emergence of new elites in post-independence India. As the country underwent economic and political changes, new power structures emerged, often transcending traditional caste lines. This phenomenon challenged the conventional understanding of caste as the sole determinant of social hierarchy.