Jee Karda Ending Explained | All Episodes Summary | Amazon Prime Video

The story revolves around a group of seven teenagers who visit a face-reading magician. Each of them receives different warnings about their future, but they dismiss the readings as nonsense due to some of the inexplicable warnings. Among them, Lavanya is warned to be cautious of the year 2022.

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Years later, in 2022, the group remains friends, and Lavanya is still in a relationship with her childhood boyfriend, Rishabh. Lavanya achieves a promotion and becomes a senior architect. During their friend Sheetal’s anniversary party, a drunken Rishabh proposes to Lavanya.

Sheetal, who is married to Sameer, desires to move to a bigger flat in the same building, but Sameer refuses to leave his family and their cramped living situation. Shahid, another member of the group, feels like an outsider among his affluent friends and faces humiliation from the rich students at the school where he works as a teacher.

Preet, a counselor, struggles to find the right partner for herself. It is widely known that Preet has feelings for Arjun, a famous Punjabi singer, but Arjun does not reciprocate those feelings. Lastly, Melroy is trapped in a toxic relationship with Yavar, who hides his sexuality from his family. Despite their constant fights, Melroy forgives Yavar whenever he visits Mumbai.

Lavanya and Rishabh drunkenly get engaged, but Lavanya regrets it the next day, feeling unprepared for marriage. However, due to parental pressure, Lavanya agrees to a wedding within a few months. Around the same time, Arjun returns from Canada. Arjun is like a brother to Rishabh, and his mother considers him a son. While Rishabh invests in apps and runs a restaurant, Arjun frequently finds himself embroiled in scandals.

Meanwhile, Shahid is assigned to train Aayat, the school principal’s niece from the US. Shahid falls in love with her and plans to propose, only to discover that she is already married and reconciling with her husband.

Shahid confides in Preet about his feeling of alienation within the friend group. Preet reassures him that he is valued, but she herself enters a short-lived relationship with a conceited actor.

A flashback reveals that Arjun and Lavanya had a romantic history in school but broke up when Lavanya caught Arjun with another girl. Rishabh consoled Lavanya during that time, and they started dating.

The pressure of the impending wedding, coupled with Rishabh’s overbearing parents, strains the relationship between Lavanya and Rishabh. Simultaneously, Lavanya grows closer to Arjun again.

Melroy’s abusive relationship with Yavar takes a toll on him. When Yavar announces an arranged marriage to a girl, Melroy confronts him, but it leads to a violent altercation and Melroy’s hospitalization. Melroy refuses to involve the police but finally ends the toxic relationship.

Melroy’s past reveals a traumatic history of physical and sexual abuse by his stepfather, which his friends helped him escape. Shahid, however, faced abuse from his own father, who withheld emotional support. The stepfather eventually committed suicide in front of the friends.

Sheetal yearns for privacy with her husband Sameer but is continuously disappointed. Frustrated with their cramped living situation, she designs outfits for local women, despite being a talented designer with a degree.

As Lavanya and Rishabh’s wedding approaches, tensions escalate due to Rishabh’s parents’ interference. The couple is forced to use their saved house fund to cover expenses. Additionally, Lavanya discovers that Rishabh invested their house fund into a failed app, leading to further disagreements. Rishabh gets into an accident and breaks his arm a week before the wedding.

Simultaneously, Arjun faces accusations of plagiarism when a renowned classical singer claims his song was stolen. Arjun learns that the singer is his father, contradicting the belief that his father had passed away. Rishabh knew the truth but never disclosed it to Arjun.

Despite his anger and disappointment with his mother’s deception, Arjun attends Rishabh’s wedding. He masks his emotions with excessive drinking, laughter, and smiles.

Explanation of Jee Karda ending: Does Lavanya marry Rishabh? Rishabh’s parents continue to meddle in the wedding arrangements, disregarding Lavanya’s wishes. They disapprove of Lavanya’s mother’s dancing, leading to a confrontation between Lavanya and Rishabh. Their friends intervene and calm the situation. Seeking solitude, Lavanya encounters Arjun, and they end up sleeping together.

When Lavanya returns, Rishabh acknowledges his mistakes, apologizes sincerely, and professes his love for her. His heartfelt apology convinces Lavanya to proceed with the wedding, although she feels guilty. Neither she nor Arjun reveal their indiscretion to Rishabh.

How do their friends’ lives change? Preet meets Reuben, a doctor, at the wedding, and they begin dating. Reuben appears to be the perfect match for Preet, and she enjoys their time together.

Arjun reconciles with his mother and promises to support her decisions. However, his newfound knowledge about his father and guilt over the encounter with Lavanya lead to frustration and strained relationships.

Lavanya’s guilt hinders her ability to enjoy her honeymoon, causing her to drift further apart from Rishabh. Despite Rishabh’s attempts to address their issues, Lavanya remains distant.

Shahid initially plans to quit his job but changes his mind after meeting Aayat. Fed up with ungrateful students, he resigns and dedicates himself to teaching underprivileged children. Aayat reveals that her husband has returned, which prompts Shahid to distance himself from her.

Melroy attempts to move on from Yavar, who is getting married, by engaging in casual relationships. He decides to focus on himself and refrains from pursuing a serious commitment.

Do they all find happiness in the end? Reuben informs Preet that he is relocating to Delhi and expects her to join him. Due to Lavanya’s regrets about her marriage, she discourages Preet from making the move. Preet ultimately decides that she is not ready for such a commitment, causing Reuben to end the relationship due to her indecisiveness.

Shahid establishes a school for underprivileged children and visits their homes to encourage enrollment. Although the children are initially excited about Arjun’s presence, none of the friends show up on the promised day, leaving Shahid feeling like a liar.

On his wedding day, Melroy receives a call from Yavar seeking his help. Melroy assists Yavar in escaping a forced marriage but clarifies that they won’t reconcile. Melroy challenges Yavar to summon the courage to defy his family’s expectations. Yavar breaks down at the thought of the marriage, while Melroy stands firm in his decision to move on.

Sheetal informs Sameer that she can no longer endure their situation and decides to leave because she is pregnant. She confides in Sameer’s mother about her pregnancy, but not Sameer himself.

Preet misses Reuben and reaches out to him, but he does not respond. During Preet’s birthday celebration at Rishabh’s restaurant, the friends reflect on the warnings given by the magician, which turned out to be accurate.

Despite the challenges, Rishabh tells Lavanya that he has no regrets about marrying her and still loves her. However, Lavanya no longer feels the same way. At the birthday party, Lavanya confides in Sheetal about the imperfections in her marriage.

Does Rishabh discover Lavanya’s affair with Arjun? During the party, Lavanya smokes a cigarette outside the restaurant and carelessly discards it, causing a fire. Shahid tries to leave but gets into an argument with his friends about their lack of support. Shahid reveals to Rishabh that he witnessed Lavanya cheating on him with Arjun just before their wedding.

As the fire spreads and reaches the restaurant, the friends manage to escape unharmed. Arjun arrives at the scene after the fire is extinguished but promptly leaves upon realizing that Rishabh has learned about his involvement with Lavanya.

Subsequently, the police arrest Rishabh since he is the owner of the restaurant. Lavanya, Melroy, Sheetal, and Preet rush to his aid. Lavanya confesses that she enjoyed her encounter with Arjun. Amidst this turmoil, Rishabh receives news that his app has been sold for $10 million.

Now we need to wait for the another season to know what happened next in the story, Stay tuned with us and we will let you know if there is any update or information rgarding the season 2 of the show.