How Long It Take For Blue Tick To Appear On Your Profile After Taking Twitter Blue Subscription

Twitter Blue is a subscription service offered by Twitter that gives users access to premium features, such as an Undo Tweet function, Bookmark Folders, and custom app icons. One of the benefits of subscribing to Twitter Blue is the ability to get a blue verification tick on your profile. However, it’s important to note that this process can take several days.

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Once you’ve subscribed to Twitter Blue, you can apply for verification by going to your profile settings and selecting the “Request Verification” option. This will initiate a review process where Twitter will evaluate your account to determine if you meet their verification criteria.

Twitter has a set of guidelines that must be met in order to be considered for verification. For example, your account must be active and in good standing, with a complete profile and bio, and you must have a confirmed email address and phone number associated with your account. Additionally, you must be in compliance with Twitter’s terms of service and community guidelines.

Assuming you meet these criteria, the review process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. During this time, Twitter will verify your identity and review your account activity to ensure that you are a legitimate user. They may also reach out to you for additional information or verification if necessary.

Once the review process is complete, Twitter will either approve or deny your verification request. If approved, the blue verification tick will appear on your profile within a few days. However, it’s important to note that the process of getting the blue tick may take 4-5 days after subscribing to Twitter Blue.

It’s also important to remember that verification is not guaranteed, even if you meet all of the guidelines. Twitter has a limited number of verification slots available and may deny your request if they feel that you don’t meet their criteria or if they’ve reached their quota for verified accounts.

it can take 4-5 days to a Blue Tick to appear on your profile after taking Twitter blue subscription.

While subscribing to Twitter Blue can give you access to premium features and the ability to request verification, it’s important to be patient and understand that the verification process can take several days. Additionally, meeting Twitter’s verification criteria is not a guarantee of verification, as there are a limited number of slots available. If you’re interested in getting verified on Twitter, make sure you meet the guidelines and be prepared to wait for the process to be completed.